Run Rabbit Run website
A social media plan that turned into a website redesign
We have been working for and collaborating with Design for development (D4D) on many projects over the years. When Rosie from D4D approached us to help market Run Run Rabbit run, we jumped at the chance.
The brief
We were asked to develop a social media strategy and social media posts to spread the word about Run Rabbit Run coffee.
Who is Run Rabbit Run?
Philip Brink owns Run Rabbit Run at the Bijou in Observatory. He makes every single cup of coffee he sells himself, taking his time to ensure each cup is perfect. The care and passion for his product are evident when reading Google reviews about this hidden coffee spot – Run Rabbit Run already has a bit of a cult following in Observatory.
Changing from a social strategy to a website rebuild
After the initial discussions between Run Rabbit Run and Design for development, it quickly became clear that working on a social media strategy will have to be put aside for a bit. When we looked at Phil’s various social channels, we found that his website was out of date and lacking in information. Since the aim of social media advertising and organic content is for people to find out more about Philip and Run Rabbit Run and to buy his coffee, we felt we first needed to create an online space where people can do just that.

Instead of working on a social strategy, we changed course and started work on a new website design that explains what Phil does and why he does it. We identified three things that Phil offers: Coffee at the Bijou, Order Coffee, and Book an Experience. We wanted the new site to entice users to visit the coffee shop in person while also giving them easy options to order coffee via WhatsApp and email.
Hiring the right photographer
Authenticity is very important to Phil and his brand. Run Rabbit Run, situated in the foyer of the old Bijou theatre, has a cool, quiet atmosphere and looks nothing like the subway-tiled coffee shops splattered around Cape Town. Phil loves connecting with people and his customers pop in as much for the chats as for the coffee.
We wanted to share this secret rabbit hole with more people. To do this, we decided that our most important tool would be excellent photography that accurately portrays the look and atmosphere of Phil’s shop. We reached out to photographer Marike Hershellman, briefed her clearly on the look we were after for our website design, and she executed it perfectly.
We planned the structure of the new site with wireframes in Adobe XD and handed the wireframes over to our copywriter to craft the text. The new design was based on Run Rabbit Run’s already strong logo and colour palette, and once we received the photographs for each section, everything was set to be implemented.
Strategy and project management: Design for development
Web design and development: Roulé le Roux
Photography: Marike Herselman
Copywriting: Philip Brink and Jakkie Brink
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